Author: EventDoc
premiers of ComposerDocs
art exhibitions
in YOUR place!
piano recital
Apr 16, 2023 piano matinée with music from the spiritual world
In der Villa Mertineit in Sebnitz near Dresden a communication centre is being built with
“Haus der Musen” (house of muses).
Schandauer Strasse 28 a, D-01855 Sebnitz
Sunday, 16.04.2023 um 11:00 Uhr

Wolfgang Ellenberger celebrates a piano matinée with music from known composers, some of them dictated from the spiritual world through the medium Rosemary Brown:
- Robert Schumann – 12 Cameos von Robert Schumann, dem Medium Rosemary Brown 1980 diktiert.
- Frédéric Chopin – Mazurka und Nocturne (21. Juni 1969)
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Larghetto (20. Januar 1983)
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Sonate a-moll KV 310
- Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart – Fantasie in d-moll
- Ludwig van Beethoven – Sonate cis-moll op. 27, Nr 2 “Mondschein-Sonate”
- Franz Schubert – 4 Impromptus op. 90
An event of
art exhibition Elena Franke in castle of Sumiswald

The association presents you the first self-service art sales exhibition of the ArtDoc Elena Franke (Berlin)
4th floor of castle of Sumiswald
Schloss 88
CH-3454 Sumiswald
If you like a picture you can just pay it over one of the signed paywalls and just take it with you!
Or order directly online in the
MusicDoc festival
Upvoming is a free series of events with “Docs” (MDs, dentists, veterinarians, pharmacists) in the castle of Sumiswald which should be transmitted by livestream.
- recitals with MusicDocs
- readings with WriterDocs
- art exhibitions with ArtDocs
Have a look on the talents website and get impressions what you can await.
and this is flowing into as a further concept.
Wolfgang Ellenberger
President of the association and multi-talent as MD, concert pianist, conductor and more. For he performed live-streamings for TCM classes – recently including his son Marc.
For the Moabit Sonnets he is the manager with his association. As in the production of Mozart´s Magic Flute in 2010 with 80 “docs” from 15 countries the beneficial target of this event is the foundation of Beat Richner supporting the childrens hospitals in Cambodia.
Marc Ellenberger
At age 19 and during his dual studies economy with the Würth company he founds a computer company with his sister Mia.
Together with his father Wolfgang Ellnberger he performs live-streamings for seminaries of handling a studio and bringing into the stream 6 cameras, electronic drawing equipment, powerpoint presentations NDI-inputs and more.
“Web Control” of the studio from Hamburg to Heidelberg is just normal for him.